
String (virtual‑directory‑name)

Not specified


The VirtualDirectory parameter enables you to specify the name of the virtual directory for web‑enabled applications.

Specify this parameter if you want to override the virtual directory specified in the Virtual Directory text box for your Jade forms in the Web Options sheet of the Define Application dialog for the application. (This text box enables you to specify a location for your images and Java applets other than the working directory of the Jade application.) There is no default virtual directory.

For details, see "Specifying Your HTML Thin Client Access Options", in Chapter 1 of the Web Application Guide.

You must also set up this virtual directory mapping in IIS.

To specify multiple virtual directories in the same Jade initialization file, prefix the VirtualDirectory parameter with the connection name followed by an underscore (_) character. For example, if the connection name is CustomerInvoice, you would specify the following parameter and value.


Where there is no specific connection name prefix, the connection name without the prefix is used. If you do not specify this parameter, the virtual directory specified in the Define Application dialog is used.